Conference Contributions
Below is a sample of some of our recent conference publications
Dockray, S. Student Wellbeing and Drug Use. Inaugural Student Mental Health Conference, Ireland.
O'Shea, J., Caruso, M., Nolan, Y., Dockray, S. Investigating Methods of Calculating Pubertal Timing and Pubertal Tempo: A Systematic Review. Lightning Talk presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology).
Cooney-Quane, J., Thomas, S.D., Nolan, Y., Dockray, S. Depression, Anxiety, Systemic Inflammation and Somatic Symptoms in Adolescence: Evidence from the ALSPAC Study. Talk presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Curcuruto, N., Marshall, A., Foley, S., Dempsey, M., Dockray, S. Giving Menopause a Make-over? An Analysis of Changes in Online Imagery of Menopause between 2012 and 2023. Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Marshall, A., Curcuruto, N., Dempsey, M., Foley, S., Dockray, S. Portraits of Puberty: A Content Analysis of the Online Imagery of Puberty. Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Dempsey, L., Dockray, S., Cooney-Quane, J. Childhood Adversity, Timing of Puberty and Anxiety: A Longitudinal Cohort Study. Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Elrum, R., Dockray, S. The Relationship Between Self-regulation and Weight Status in Children and Adolescence. Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Whelan, E., Cooney-Quane, J., Hunt, E., Dockray, S. Daily Activities and Allostatic Load in Adolescence: Evidence from ALSPAC. Lightning Talk presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Muscolino, , I., Tomei, E., Dockray, S., Dempsey, M.. Body Image, Puberty and Emotions. A systematic review on the relationship between body dissatisfaction, emotion regulation and pubertal changes. Lightning Talk presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
McCarthy-Lidholm, J., Dockray, S. Meat Consumption and Climate Concern in College Students: Motivations, Barriers and Beliefs about Behaviour Change. Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2024 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Dockray. S. Life story narratives of the pubertal transition and health-related behaviours. Oral presentation presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Ariu, A., Knirsch, J. P., Leuba, A., Rubo, M., Dockray, S., & Messerli-Bürgy, N. (2023). Are sleep problems related to cortisol awakening responses in preschool-aged children?. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 188, 118.
Kavanagh, B. & Dockray, S. A Time to Sleep? Investigating stability of sleep sufficiency and difficulty from late adolescence to emerging adulthood, and the associations with health-related behaviour.' Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Noonan, A. & Dockray, S. 'Effect of Government Nutritional Information on Public Perception of Dairy in the Diet' Oral presentation presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Trearty, C., & Whelan, E. 'The Effect of Blue and Green Space Contact and Connectedness on Cardiometabolic Health in Late Adolescence; a Psychobiological Approach' Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Kennedy, A. & Dockray, S. Behaviour and attitudes to drug use during college – does membership in clubs or societies matter? Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Kakar1, A., Heary, C., Shum, C., Dockray, S., McMahon, J. A protocol for assessing the relationship between emotional regulation, sleep duration and psychological well-being in adolescents across secondary school transition.Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Shum, C. Dockray, S. & McMahon, J. The Relationship Between Cognitive Reappraisal and Psychological Well-being During Early Adolescence: A Scoping Review. Poster presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Shum, C. Dockray, S. & McMahon, J. Teaching adolescents to connect thoughts and behaviours: A controlled longitudinal evaluation of the Motus Social Emotional Learning program across secondary school transition. Oral presentation presented at Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference 2023 (Psychology Society of Ireland Division of Health Psychology)
Ariu, A., Knirsch, J. P., Leuba, A., Rubo, M., Dockray, S., & Messerli-Bürgy, N. (2023). Are sleep problems related to cortisol awakening responses in preschool-aged children?. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 188, 118.
Whelan, E, Cooney-Quane, J., Hunt, E., Dockray, S. Examining the relationship between daily activities, emotional experiences and allostatic load in a sample of adolescents from the ALSPAC Study. Poster presented at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Cooney-Quane, J., Whelan, E., Nolan, Y., & Dockray, S. Childhood Trauma, Systemic Inflammation and Anxiety in Emerging Adulthood: Evidence from the ALSPAC Study. Poster presented at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Dockray, S. & Messerli-Burgy, N. Pubertal absence and psychological development during adolescence: a scoping review. Poster presented at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Moore, M. & Dockray, S. The Influence of Student-Faculty Relationships on the Undergraduate Experience: The
Student Perspective. Oral Presentation at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Shum, C., Dockray, S., & McMahon, J. The relationship between cognitive reappraisal and psychological wellbeing during early adolescence: A scoping review.
Poster presented at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Shum, C., Dockray, S., & McMahon, J. Teaching adolescents to connect thoughts and feelings: Does the MOTUS SEL Program support secondary school transition? Poster presented at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Hunt, E, Nolan, Y., & Dockray, S. Under construction – the development of a novel, evidence-based educational programme to support staff in higher education to apply a developmental perspective to learning, teaching and student support. Oral Presentation at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Kenneally, L. & Dockray, S. Allostatic load in adolescence - the effects of pubertal timing, health behaviour and stress. Poster presented at European Association for Research on Adolescence (EARA) Conference, Ireland.
Dair, Z. Dockray, S., O'Reilly, R. Variance in Classifying Affective State via Electrocardiogram and Photoplethysmography. Pre-print 44th International Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Scotland.
Rodriguez, A. & Dockray, S. Collecting Sensitive Data from Adolescents: A Delphi Study of Expert Consensus. International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology Conference, Chicago, USA.
O'Shea, J. & Dockray, S. Assessing the stability of psychobiological stress reactivity during adolescence: mixed effect modelling of cortisol responses to laboratory stressors. 18th Annual PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Ireland.
Kenneally, L. & Dockray, S. The Association of Pubertal Timing and Allostatic Load: testing the mediating effects of health behaviour and life stress. 18th Annual PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Ireland.
Olavarría-Ramírez, L., McCafferty, C., Murphy, G., Cryan, Dockray, S. Gut microbiota depletion and effects on social behaviour and anxiety: Implications for translational research. A systematic review. 18th Annual PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Ireland.
O'Connor, M. Dockray, S. Pubertal Timing, Self-Concept, and Anxiety in Adolescence.18th Annual PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Ireland.
Muscolino, I, Dockray, S. & Tomei, E. Body Dissatisfaction, Emotion Regulation and Puberty. A Systematic Review. 18th Annual PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Ireland.
Shum, C., Dockray, S., McMahon, J. A protocol for assessing the relationship between social emotional skills and cortisol awakening response across secondary school transition.18th Annual PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Ireland.
Shum, C., Dockray, S., McMahon, J., O’Rourke, J. & Hanratty, D. (2021) The Motus SEL Program: A service evaluation on a primary school social emotional learning program for Irish early adolescents. Educational Studies Association of Ireland Conference, Limerick.
Muscolino, I. & Dockray, S. (2020) Body and Emotions through generations. Phenomenological analysis of the adolescence social context. European Association for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference, Porto, Portugal ( online).
Dockray, S. Getting hot-headed: Systemic inflammation and externalising behaviour in adolescence. European Association for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference, Porto, Portugal (online).
Dockray, S. Whelan, E., Dick, S., Davoren, M., Heavin, C., Linehan, C., Byrne, M. (2020) Why stop here and now? University student's motivations to reduce their use of illicit substances: A scoping review. European Association for Research on Adolescence Biannual Conference, Porto, Portugal ( online).
Vasiliou, V.S., Dillon, B., Dick, S., Davoren, M, Dockray, S.,m Linehan, C., Heavin, C., Byrne, M. (2020) A new clinical algorithm embedded in a contextual behavior change intervention for higher education student drug use. ICIS SIGDSA Symposium
Vasiliou, V.S., Dockray, S. Dick, S., Fabritius, W., Linehan , C. Davoren, M., Heavin, C. Byrne, M. (2020) Developing the MiUSE Digitally Delivered Intervention: Implementing the Behaviour Change Wheel to Identify Effective Harm-reduction Practices for Third-level Students Who Use Illicit Substances
Murphy, L., Cadogan, E., & Dockray, S. (2019) The Consideration of Future Consequences Scale: Dimensionality and Domain Specificity. 20th Annual Society for Personality and Social Psychology Convention, Portland, Oregon
Murphy, L., Cadagan, E., & Dockray, S. (2018) Intertemporal Decision Making: Domain Specificity in the Consideration of Future Consequences. 59th Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, USA
Organ, D., Dick, S., Hurley, C., Heavin, C., Linehan, C., Dockray, S., Davoren, M., Byrne, M. (2018) A Systematic Review of User-Centred Design Practices in Illicit Substance Use Interventions for Higher Education Students ECIS - Beyond Digitization – Facets of Socio-Technical Change
Murphy, L., & Dockray, S. (2018) The Consideration of Future Consequences and Health Behaviour: A Meta-Analysis. 32nd Annual Conference of the European Health Psychology Society Conference, Galway, Ireland
Veale, A., Dockray, S. & Purkiss, E. (2017) Intergenerational transmission of trauma and resilience: Biological and sociocultural narratives. , Pathways to Resilience IV, Capetown, South Africa .
Linehan, C., Dockray, S., & Lee, L. (2017) “Anyone shout at European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, University College Dublin
Dockray, S. (2017) Obesity-mediated systemic inflammation and externalising behaviours in adolescence. , PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine, Dublin .
Dick, S;Davoren, M;Whelan, E;Heavin, C;Organ, D;Linehan, C;Dockray, S;Byrne, M (2018) The effectiveness and safety of digital interventions for substance use in third-level students. OXFORD
Dockray, S. (2017) Obesity-mediated systemic inflammation and externalising behaviours in adolescence. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine, Dublin.
Jump, O. Dockray, S. (2017) Social interactions and heart rate variability: From the lab to the living room. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine, Dublin.
Dockray, S. Murphy, L. (2017) Social Competence, Social Stress and Cortisol in Adolescence. PSI Psychology Health & Medicine, Dublin.
Ryan, K., Linehan, C., Dockray, S. (2017) Psychosocial coorelates of weight loss in an Ehealth intervention among those with Type 2 diabetes. PSI Psychology Health & Medicine, Dublin .
Jump., O., Dockray, S. (2017) A variant of the Trier Social Stress Test using Sing-a-Song and computer based tasks. PSI Psychology Health & Medicine, Dublin .
Linehan, C., Dockray, S. and Lee, L. (2017) Anyone shout at you today Mum?: Mapping the physiological and subjective impacts of emotional labour demands on pharmacy staff European Association for Work and Organisational Psychology
Muscolino, I., Dockray, S. (2017) A Biopsychosocial model of body dis-satisfaction in adolescence. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine, Dublin .
Matvienko-Sikar, K. Dockray, S. (2017) Effects of a brief experimental gratitude intervention on self-report and psychophysiological measures of stress. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine, Dublin
Murphy, G., O’Leary, K & Dockray, S. (2016) Trier on Wheels? Cardiovascular reactivity in a simulated stressful driving scenario.
O’Brien, R., Creaven, A., Dockray, S. (2016) ‘…Love me, loves me not…’ The implications of ambivalent social relationships and psychophysiological wellbeing . Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
McGrath, N., O’Leary, K., & Dockray, S. (2016) Stability and predictors of wellbeing over time. Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Cadogan E., O Leary, K., Dockray, S. (2016) The effects of a gratitude intervention on physiological and self-report wellbeing. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Muscolino, I. (2016) When the soul is silent, the body speaks: Alexithymia and body uneasiness in a non-clinical adolescent sample
Mangan, M, Veale., Dockray, S. (2016) Examining intergenerational transmission of experience using a qualitative psychobiological approach: A pilot study Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Ni Shuilleabhain, N., Murphy, L., Dockray, S. (2016) Orthorexia or mismeasurement: Examination of the ORTO-15 .
Murphy, L, Dockray, S. Time to think about measurement? Temporal orientation and health behaviours. PSI Psychology, Health & PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, CorkMedicine Conference, Cork
O’Neill, S. Dockray, S. (2016) Self-perceived health versus objective health in adolescence. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Concannon, L. Dockray, S. (2016) The Bariatric Journey PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Matvienko-Sikar, K. Dockray, S. (2016)Putting the positive in pregnancy: The role of positive psychological factors in promoting prenatal mental health. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Purkiss, E. Dockray, S. (2016) Examining the relationship between early life adversity and psychobiological stress responses in emerging adulthood. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
DeLea, S. Dockray, S. (2016) Examining the role of impulsivity in psychobiological stress reactivity in young adults in Ireland. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
Galvin. S., Dockray, S. (2016) Psychobiological stress reactivity: Cardiac responsivity and anger. PSI Psychology, Health & Medicine Conference, Cork
O’Neill, S. Dockray, S. (2016) Health, Sleep, and Psychobiological Wellbeing in Adolescence. PSI ECG Conference
Invited talks and conference papers earlier than 2015 are detailed in the personal pages of lab members here http://research.ucc.ie/profiles/.