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Community & Public Engagement Activities

Selected BEATS Lab activities are described below.

The Southern Star 'Resetting our mojo to maintain those New Year's resolutions.' Mary McCarthy.  Samantha's work on health behaviour change was featured in this article, and Samantha provided guidance to people wanting to change their behaviour.  January 2024

'Her Heart Matters: What Every Woman Needs to Know' with the Irish Heart Foundation.   Samantha joined a panel of experts to discuss stress and wellbiing in relation to women's heart health for World Heart Day. September 2023

'Kallman syndrome/IamHH Patient Group Meeting' Samantha presented research at this annual meeting of patients. September 2023

RTE One with Brendan O'Connor – Daylight Savings Time & Sleep

From the show notes 'Dr Samantha Dockray talks about how to cope with losing that hour of sleep this weekend and developing better sleeping habits''.

Listen to the show here


The Southern Star 'The clocks have sprung forward but nobody has told the weather' Colm Tobin.  Samantha's research on sleep was featured in this article.

Read the article here (subscribers to The Southern Star only) 

PRIME Podcast series; Episode 1 'Mental Health'  with Dr. Eithne Hunt, Dr. Samantha Dockray and Griphin Baxter Chirambo.  The Prime Podast series is an initiative between Malawi eHealth Research Centre and University College Cork. 

Listen to Prime Podcast episode here

Living Room Logic – Irish Science Podcast

Stress: Why some suffer and others COPE w/ Dr Samantha Dockray

From the show notes 'What makes one persons bad day, another persons trauma? This week we go through the extraordinarily complex concepts which are as complex as any individual but Dr Samantha Dockray breaks it down.'.

Listen to Living Room Logic podcast episode here

Bite Size Research: Teaching open research.

At the European Association of Research on Adolescence, Samantha, with co-chair Laura Taylor (University College Dublin), led a knowledge exchange with delegates on the topic of how, when y and how to teach open research in universities.


Narrowing the Void - podcast

In this podcast from UCC Narrowing the Void', Samantha discusses her early career work, the community-centred approach and the importance of open research and nurturing creativity as a researcher.  You can listen to the podcast here

Cork Life Centre Edmund Rice Week

Inclusion and Education' at Cork Life Centre Edmund Rice Week.  Panel discussion with Samantha Dockray, Colm O'Connor, (Cork Educate Together) and Katherine Harford ( Let's Grow Together).  The discussion can be watched here.


Can universities reduce harms associated with students' drug use?   

Samantha Dockray / RTE BrainStorm


Teenage Sleep and Wellbeing.   

Samantha Dockray / ASPIRE with Abbott, a STEM programme for adolescents and schools.


Teenage Stress.   

Eadaoin Whelan / RTE BrainStorm

Read the article here.


Six Tips for Teen Stress   

Eadaoin Whelan / RTE BrainStorm

Read the article here.


The A to Zzz of Sleep

Samantha Dockray / RTE Podcast


Beneath The Surface of Stress  

Eadaoin Whelan / UCC SoAPBox

Read the article here.



An insight into health policymaking attending the European Health Forum Gastein.

Kathleen Ryan / UCC SoAPBox



Samantha Dockray/ RTE Documentary

Stressed' is a two-part series on the science of stress. The series features volunteers who all feel that stress is impacting negatively on their lives.  Samantha Dockray was featured, discussing the biological correlates and consequences of stress, focusing on the neuroendocrine response.

Watch the promotion clip here on Youtube.


Growing Up Live

Samantha Dockray/ RTE Documentary

Samantha Dockray contributed to #GrowingUpLive, a 3-episode series on development across the lifespan, including psychological, biological and social changes. The RTÉ One series featured scientists and psychologists describing the research on human development, and people describing how they experienced these developmental stages. Samantha contributed to the episode by describing the psychobiological aspects of adolescent development that relate to risk taking.


I'll Sleep When I'm Dead.

Samantha Dockray / UCC SoAPBox 

Irish Independent. Meet the woman who says stress is good for you. by Chrisse Russell.  Samantha Dockray featured in this article that examined different aspects of stress.  Read the article here. 


A Spoonful of Sugar Tax Helps the Weight Go Down?

Louise Foley and Samantha Dockray /UCC SoAPBox


PsychSlam 2017

Samantha Dockray / UCC SoAPBox



Samantha Dockray/ RTE Documentary

'Winning' is a documentary about the science of winning and success, and Samantha Dockray contributed to the explanations and discussion of the psychobiology of winning and losing in sports.  Samantha measured cortisol and heart rate variability in a group of GAA fans in the lead up to a big game, as well as during and following the game.  In the documentary Samantha explains how emotions relate to biology and reviews the levels fo stress hormones in the fans of the winning and losing teams.

Watch the promotion clip here via Youtube


BioBehavioural Health Workshop

BEATS Lab Group / Bord Gais Dublin for  World Mental Health Day. 

Can being good be bad?

 Niamh  Ni Shuilleabhain / UCC SoAPBox

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BEaTS Lab, School of Applied Psychology,

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork, Ireland

+353 21 490 4504

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